Join my exclusive
LIVE mentalism workshop

On Sunday July 26, 2020, I was holding an exclusive LIVE mentalism workshop.
If you really want to elevate your magic and mentalism act to the next level, you shouldn't miss the recording of this event and grab you exclusive access to the amazing content.
The workshop lasts almost three hours, and we are going to intensively work together. You will receive a free workbook to use during the event, and I will even share an ingenious way to make your act more professional, artistic, and emotional. This detailed explanation alone will save you literally thousands of dollars for similar systems on the market.
In addition, you will learn exclusive tricks and methods I have never shared before in any lecture, proven ways to earn up to 1.000 dollars extra with each show, and so much more… I will even give you free templates with the workbook to create an amazing act from scratch following really easy instructions.
Get ready to take your magic and mentalism to the next level!
How much is the fish???
Usually, I would charge 250,-Euros for this tw0-hour workshop. But to give something back to you, I decided to offer this (only once) for just 15 Euros (or 17 dollars)!
Yes, only 15 Euros for a three hour workshop including my top tips on staging, drama, red thread, rehearsing, never before released explanations of my pet effects and ways to control your own sound effects during a live show. I will also share exclusive bonuses for the attendees of the workshop. We can immediately start working on your act, personality and performance style!
Here is how it works, so read carefully:
Hit the Paypal-Button below and make your payment (in EUR or USD)
Don't close the page. You will immediately be redirected to a hidden website with all the materials you will need for the workshop
Follow the steps on the website to access the recording
Enjoy the workshop anytime you like!
Any questions left? Just drop me a line: info@stefan-olschewski.de